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Anaesthesia & Analgesics

Our specialist team monitors pets, ensuring they are comfortable.

The anaesthesia and analgesia team are responsible for the sedation, anaesthesia and recovery of all patients admitted to the hospital.

Ongoing pain scoring is recorded to ensure patients are as comfortable as possible and when surgeries are finished, an analgesia plan will be discussed between the specialists to determine the best ongoing care.

Analgesia is essential in-patient recovery and patients will only be discharged from the hospital following procedures, once we are satisfied any pain can be managed at home.

Anaesthesia and Analgesia Facilities

Our facilities and state-of-the-art equipment help the team to carry out anaesthesia during difficult surgeries and complicated cases in intensive care.

Equipment used includes:

  • Mechanical ventilators capable of providing PEEP and assisted ventilation
  • Doppler ultrasound devices
  • Syringe and fluid pumps
  • Nerve stimulator-locator (nerve electrolocation locoregional block and neuromuscular blockade monitoring)
  • Multi-parameter monitors at all anaesthesia stations
  • Warming devices at all stations (instead of ‘Hot Dog’ bullet point)
  • Arterial blood gas analysers
  • Direct blood pressure monitors: arterial, central venous and portal pressures
  • Neuromuscular function monitors (TOF monitoring)

Our Anaesthesia & Analgesics Team

Dr Marieke De Vries

Dr Marieke De Vries

Dr Marieke De Vries PhD CertVA DipECVAA DVM MRCVS RCVS Recognised and European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
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Dr Cristina De Miguel

Dr Cristina De Miguel

Dr Cristina De Miguel Dip. ECVAA DVM MVetMed MRCVS RCVS Recognised and European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia
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